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- → જ્ઞાનશક્તિ રેસિડેન્શિયલ સ્કૂલ્સ ઓફ એક્સિલેન્સ ની પૂર્વ સમજ માટે ની મીટિંગ( Pre Bid Meeting), Thu Feb 01, 2024, 12:00 pm (IST)

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Selection of Service Provider for Design, Development/upgradation, Customization, Integration, Implementation, Capacity Building, and Operations & Maintenance of Multi–level Artificial Intelligence (AI) enhanced Vidya Samiksha Kendra (VSK 2.0) for Gujarat Council of School Education - Samagra Shiksha (GCSE-SS), Education Department, Government of Gujarat (GeM Bid No: GEM/2023/B/4177815 dated 06.11.2023)

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Responses to Pre-bid Queries for GeM Bid No: GEM/2023/B/4177815 Dated: 06-11-2023

- → Mann-ki-Baat-Vol-1-Gujarati-Digital

- → Mann-ki-Baat-Vol-2-Gujarati-Digital-compressed

- → Response to Corrigendum for the RFP inviting Technical & Financial Proposals from Agencies/ Companies for providing digital learning/ e-learning content/solutions/services for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary & Higher Secondary Grades Students of Gujarat. (Tender ID: 592179)

- → Response to Pre-bid Queries for the RFP inviting Technical & Financial Proposals from Agencies/ Companies for providing digital learning/ e-learning content/solutions/services for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary & Higher Secondary Grades Students of Gujarat. (Tender ID: 592179)

- → Response to Pre-bid Queries for the Bid for Selection of IT Service Provider for the augmentation and upgradation of MIS Applications & Dashboards at “Vidya Samiksha Kendra"(GeM Bid No.GEM/2023/B/3469211 dated 19.05.2023)

- → Corrigendum for the Bid for Selection of IT Service Provider for the augmentation and upgradation of MIS Applications & Dashboards at “Vidya Samiksha Kendra"(GeM Bid No.GEM/2023/B/3469211 dated 19.05.2023)

- → Selection of IT Service Provider for the augmentation and upgradation of MIS Applications & Dashboards at “Vidya Samiksha Kendra"

- → Gujarat Council of School Education (GCSE) invites Technical & Financial Proposals from Agencies/ Companies for providing digital learning/ e-learning content/solutions/services for Pre-Primary,Primary and Secondary & Higher Secondary Grades Students of Gujarat.

- → Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) for Empanelment of agencies for conceptualization and implementation of Innovative teaching learning solutions under – Outcomes for Accelerated Learning (GOAL)
- → GR of Gyan Setu Day Schools (Gujarati)
- → GR of Gyan Setu Day Schools (English)
- → Expression of Interest (EoI) for Brainstorming and showcasing of furniture designs to be used in Government schools for Gujarat Council of Elementary Education, Samagra Shiksha, Government of Gujarat
- → School Infrastructure Details
- → Gujarat-GOAL-SEEP-Addendum to Environmental and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA) (11-May-2022)
- → Procurement Related Queries and Grievance Redressal
- → Gujarati GR of Residential Schools of Excellence on PPP mode.
- → Inviting EoI to set up and operate RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS OF EXCELLENCE on PPP mode.
- → GR of Residential Schools of Excellence on PPP Mode.
- → Gujarat-GOAL-SEEP-ESSA-Environmental and Social Systems Assessment.